Monday, 9 December 2013

Basic about software Test

Basic about  software Test

I am not good on write but still i always want to share my limited  knowledge with my friends /colleagues and audience etc. and actually I think it’s surely  helpful and better understandable  while we discussed thing with each other so web is the best place :-) –  this is my first topic which I am going to discuss– today I want to discuss Basic about  software Test –
Before that I want to say little about testing – if your very new to this field then definitely it will help you to understand   what is software testing etc.-
So when we heard about testing what’s click in your mind? Simple - we need to test some software application which cloud be web or standalone or etc. etc. and assure that software application work as expected with no bugs or error!  Which is very simple - ? do you think this the right way to express about testing .Yes  I feel so – there are thousands of definition about testing – but if you see what’s the goal then answer is as mention above – then why need to make its complicate J. With few standard word – In my point of view we should be able to express what does it do that’s it ! No need to describe brief about the definition –I Agree with same, Are you - that’s up to you how you want to from it ! so what are the technique we use to test different software application. its depend t on the application and client requirement as well – if you want to look on few below are the line – but here I just want to touch those not brief -
Testing methods -  
         i.            Static and dynamic testing

Analysis or Reviews, breakthroughs, examination are referred to as static testing, whereas actually executing programmed code with a given set of test cases is referred to as dynamic testing. Static testing involves verification whereas dynamic testing involves validation. Together they help improve software quality.

Now definitely you have doubt about what is exactly verification and validation - so in that case we have to discuss little about both –but I don’t want to make this topic lengthy I know you will feel bore J so better we will discuss more about this two in next topic as this two are important part of testing which you should know!
Box Approach –  
1.1   Black Box testing /2.1 White box testing /3. 1Grey-box testing

1.1 BlackBox testing -  Test the application without knowing  any internal implementation! Exam-  suppose you are testing site – without know any backend or internal connection only UI then it will call BlackBox test as you are not looking on any backend or site code stuff - Black-box testing methods include: equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, all-pairs testing, state transition tables, decision table testing, fuzz testing, model-based testing, use case testing, exploratory testing and specification-based testing- all this  we will discuss in different topic .